W o K : Ways of Knowing
The WoKers
Piet and Steven first met in the
mid-nineties to discuss Piet's ideas about a book Steven had worked on
years earlier. Since then, they have collaborated frequently and
actively on the
"science/life/values/contemplation" issues WoK
explores. Photos and further personal information about them and their
joint projects will be posted soon. Meanwhile, here are their short
bio-pieces, and a link to other materials:
Piet Hut is an
astrophysicist and the director of the Program for Interdisciplinary
at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, NJ.
His interests range from
(astro)physics and other natural sciences to computer science,
science, and philosophy. While most of his published work is in the
field of
his specialty, computational astrophysics, he has also made
contributions to
various interdisciplinary forums. In addition, Piet has helped start
initiatives, such as the B612
Foundation, which aims at significantly altering the orbit of an
in a controlled manner, by 2015; MODEST,
short for MOdeling DEnse STellar systems; and the Art of Computational Science,
widens the notion of `open source' to `open knowledge' and `open lab.'
Steven Tainer is a logician,
philosopher and teacher of Eastern
traditions, which he has studied intensively since 1970 with many
Chinese and Korean masters. After practicing for a number of years in
mountain retreats and in (non-?) ordinary circumstances such as Silicon
he began offering a range of meditation and internal yogic teachings
and retreats to public groups. He also serves on the faculty of the
Institute for World
Religions in Berkeley, CA.
His specialties are Indian Buddhist philosophy, the "Unity of the Three
Traditions" in Chinese thought, Taoist yogic practice, and Ch'an
contemplation. Working on behalf of his teachers, Steven is the
coauthor or editor of over eighteen books on Buddhism and Taoism
Play, and Time, Space,
For listings
of presentations by Piet and Steven available on other websites, see The WoKer's
Off-Site page.