W o K     :     Ways of Knowing

The WoK Experiment: Dec 19, 2006

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Maria to Piet, Rod and Heloisa

Dear Heloisa, Piet and Rod,

I have been experimenting throughout the last week with different concepts that we have touched upon in the WoK experiment. There have been breakthrough moments where I really saw what was happening and how deceived I have been, taking myself to be a small personality living in a world with other beings that are separate from me and with external circumstances that I have to guard against. In those moments of clarity, I was shocked to discover how drastically different things are. Everything has always been complete and there was never a separate "I" from the world, from other beings, and from awareness. From that understanding, I think that there is "not that, but always and only this".

I wish that I could say I can see clearly for good and that there is no more confusion. However, I always fall back into more confusion, mainly because the personal self takes credit for the "I" and there is still disbelief. At this point, I have been rethinking the religious practice of devotion and how that can possibly help reduce the confusion.

I have been grateful to participate in the WoK experiment and I have enjoyed dialoging with everyone.


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