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The WoK Experiment: Dec 3, 2006

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Rod to Piet, Heloisa and Maria

Piet, Heloisa, Maria

May I offer a few comments on Maria's questions about no-time, the not-yet-known, and consciousness?

Time can be viewed in many contexts. Even within science there are different versions of time.

But when we speak of no-time, the context becomes exactly that of consciousness. No-time is the arena in which consciousness operates. All time concepts, such as past & future, are merely concoctions of consciousness occurring in Now.

Just as the future does not exist, the not-yet known also does not exist. We can contemplate the future, and we can contemplate the not- yet-known, but such contemplations happen in Now, in no-time, in consciousness. Thus:

No-time. No-future. No-past. No-unknown. All is complete. All is here. Right now!

... from Rod

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