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The Wok Experiment: Oct 25, 2006

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Heloisa to Piet and Rod

Piet and Rod

Piet, you described the third shift as a switch from appearance to timeless presence. A presence devoid of any veils that obstruct our awareness that this presence had been there all along, presenting the magic appearance of everything else. Can one also say that this timeless presence includes all other states, even our illusions associated to our linear sense of time? Can one say that it includes all states of consciousness, even the most common one? I guess even our illusions are present when we are totally aware of timeless presence, but we no longer identify with it. Actually, there is no longer a self that identifies with something outside itself, for we have the direct knowledge of being one with everything there is.

How can we remove the blocks and constraints that keep us from making that third shift in an effortless way?? How can we let ourselves know something we knew all along but did not know we knew?? Of course, trying to make it happen will remove us further from it, such, as you said, trying to fall in love with someone. You mentioned in the working hypothesis, that we can tell ourselves that we already made that shift. During that “make believe”, we can be in silence pretending we are listening to a timeless presence.

In this attempt, however, we are frequently faced with thoughts and feelings that we identify with and that remove us from our pursuit. Rod, you used the Vipassana framework to describe how we can initially step back from ourselves and observe all passing thoughts, images and feelings to later realize that past memories and anticipations of the future are nothing but passing phenomena. I personally find this is extremely helpful, when we attempt to stop ourselves from identifying with our illusions of a limited self. One can use that approach as a way to go beyond the games we play in our linear and limited sense of time. Piet, how do you see this?


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