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WoK Practice Intensive: Feb 11, 2007

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Jake's Summary

A strange concept appeared. It is a kind of open focus. Normally went I think about concentration, focus or one-pointedness of the mind, I see it as limited to a very small space. This open focus is the concentration of the mind without effort and is directed at everything. It becomes like an intense listening. This concept stayed for a few seconds, but it made its impression at a deeper level.

Piet's comment 'There is no I there that can drop an addiction to happening' made a lasting impression on me. It helped me to be closer to the WH in the day. We keep on trying and trying to see the completeness, but when we stop trying and let it go, there is no I trying to see the completeness.

This week, I had no particular practice. I just sat there and did nothing. It is very nice to sit for 5 minutes and do nothing while riding the wave. At some moments, I needed to take a break from trying to take a break. For me doing nothing was to believe nothing, including the WH and the dissolution of the 'I'. While still allowing the WH to guide me, I just waited to see for myself.

An image that came to me was that there is a vast jigsaw puzzle that is already completed and we believe that a certain part of the puzzle is the 'I'. In good days, when we work very hard, we find new pieces of the puzzle and manage to see that we are a bigger part of the puzzle. One day I might smile and realize that I am the full puzzle and that it was completed a long time ago.

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