I worked some more with surrender, turning it over this week .
Surrendering life circumstances, e.g. work life, love life etc... as a
concrete action and also "abstractly" surrendering to the flow of
life. And also (and more correctly) by simply abiding in the Self or
in (Buddha nature) without taking too much of concern in anything
When I was able to do this I felt very relieved and free. A friend of
mine gave me a description of a flavor of perfection that resonated
with me. A situation in which nothing has to be different from how it
is. Like when you sit in meditation and think you can sit forever.
Nothing, absolutely nothing, needs to change. Could anything be more
perfect then this, at least from an individual perspective?
Giving up the attempt to control my experience seems a very freeing to
me. Where is imperfection if there is no one who resists things?