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The WoK Experiment: Dec 12, 2006

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Heloisa to Piet, Rod and Maria

Piet, Rod and Maria,

I am also not surprised that our discussions have led us to focus on surrendering and letting go. When we talk about surrendering, we must obviously ask ourselves the question, "letting go of what?", "what does surrender really mean?" By letting go we are relinquishing the obstacles and constraints that stops us from being in a state of present awareness. As Piet so well said, we need to open ourselves to the completeness of who we are, without standing in the way, without holding on to belief systems associated to a limited view of ourselves, to a view that we are greatly determined by external circumstances, that we are beings fixed in time and space devoid of the capacity of obtaining direct knowledge. Also, in letting go of the Great Search for knowledge, we can surrender to the present moment where there is nothing left to be done and everything is already perfect just the way it is, as stated in the working hypothesis.

The dialogues we established have been of extreme value to me, for I was more able to clarify ideas that were present but not as developed and present as they are now. It greatly helped me to deal with difficult external circumstances in a way that I had not done before. Also of extreme value, has been setting a specific day in which we all worked on one experiment. Just knowing I was not alone in this, greatly enhanced the experience.

The journey of the Working Hypothesis has truly begun and it would be wonderful in the future for us to further explore it and discuss not only what worked for us, but also the constraints we face on a daily basis that stops us from being truly in the present moment.


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