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The WoK Experiment: Nov 30, 2006

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Maria to Piet, Rod and Heloisa

Heloisa, Piet, Rod,

Today as I took a walk with my baby, I noticed the shift again. This time, instead of just enjoying it and not doing anything, I tried to get out of the state that I was in. So, instead of seeing the state as unreal, I tried to see if I could make it real and solid. To my surprise, I couldn't really shake it. No matter, how I stared at another person, or tried to make real my surroundings, the surreal feeling stayed. Although, when I engaged another person in conversation, I would forget to observe and then, I would say, I was not in the state, but as soon as I finished my transaction with the person and paid attention again, I would be back in the surreal state. So, from my experiment, I think when I became heedless, I would "fall out" of the shifted state. So, in a way, there was no trying or not trying, it just was, and my thoughts were superficial and didn't disturb anything.

For me, the shift doesn't feel unreal. Rather it reminds me of the sensation when I scuba-dive, where I just swim along, suspended by the water, and just observe everything that passes by without being engaged with it all. Just observing and touring. So, when I experience this shift, it creates a similar feeling for me, where I am just touring in a suspended state, and the people and all surroundings are like a wonderland.

Thought I'd share my latest thoughts.


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