W o K     :     Ways of Knowing

WoK Practice Intensive: March 11, 2007

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Jake's Summary

Sometime I found myself trying to see uncomfortable parts of myself only to find that the uncomfortable changed to the comfortable at the moment I was looking. It felt like I was a cat running to catch his tail. Many times, while thinking about the WH, I felt I was going nowhere and thinking that the WH could be false gave me the chills.

Considering that the WH could be false helped me to have a more balanced 'sight'. I now realize that reality is where there is no judgment. Letting go of my addictiveness to thinking gave an opportunity to be closer to 'me'. Everything possesses less weight and burden when I look without judgments. With this smooth-objective sight, things seems to reveal there true nature, but the moment you realize this, you are in fact already judging and evaluating.


Frank, this looking without judgment might be related to unknowingness. When you look at an object without judgment you are putting aside your knowledge, and strangely you feel you know the object from a better perspective. Maybe knowledge is not what it seems. Knowingness and unknowingness seems so closely related that one might not be able to exist without the other.

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