W o K     :     Ways of Knowing

WoK Practice Intensive: March 11, 2007

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Maria's Summary

I feel like I have found a clue in my recent ways of practice. Anytime a negative little comment or thought would come up, it is like a huge opportunity to see that I have deviated from the wh that is complete. Each time, I catch myself straying off, then I shift the focus to "who" did the catching. I find that I am getting better acquainted with the "who" that knows what my little mind is up to and that which is the ground of all things.

In response to the questions posed by Jake's summary two:

1. What would happen if the WH was false and how does that make you feel?

To me, the wh is true. Logically I can't deny "what is" and that "which is already so". The only thing that I can find fault with is when I resist what is already so and want something other than wh.

2. What are your unpleasant or boring moments concerning the WH?

Unpleasantness or boredom is a state of mind. Our minds tell us something is unpleasant or pleasant, good or bad, bored or excited. But the moment is what it is, complete and whole all to itself, nothing can be added or taken away (even if your mind wants to). Our reactions may not be appropriate because of our own resistance seen as unpleasant or boring. Our reaction then furthers the unpleasantness to the mind of the next moment.

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