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WoK Practice Intensive: Jan 28, 2007

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Frank's Summary

Some snippets:

- Tried wh during breakfast with a friend whom I find sometimes a bit difficult. The result was lightness, kindness and more enjoyment in the conversation, at least on my side.

- "All there is consciousness". Somehow contemplating this is delightful for me and reveals perfection, joy and non-separation of things. I sometimes enquire into objects or feelings: "What is it made of?" and somehow the awareness or consciousness out of which everything is made co-appears with the object. My body is "awareness" walking through "awareness", when I walk. This contemplation that everything is just "awareness within awareness" has something deeply comforting that I can not rationally explain. But who says that perfection needs to be explained. It could just be that way, for no reason, just sitting there to be empirically discovered (or not).

- Perfection becomes apparent when attention is turned towards itself, its source. Nevertheless even if I meditate in this way, concerns come up easily. A common distraction that hooks me is an inner representation of the shape of my head in my field of awareness. More generally it's a "sense of I" that this meditator doesn't like, because the "sense of I" is supposed to disappear in a good meditation, isn't it? Else I can't be "already enlightened". I have similar thoughts to Miles here. So I questioned this sense of I with:

"What does it have to do with anything?" The felt answer is "Nothing." and the impulse of my mind to speculate about this "sense of I" stops. The problem I have with my meditation evaporates.

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