Nicole's Summary
Early in the week, as I
was offering my "self" up in meditation, an image came - of many,
many black birds (maybe crows?) flying out of my chest towards the sky.
this experience I have noticed that my writing and experiences have
lighter, happier and free-er, presence has 'been' more spontaneously
frequently. I have also found that I can "live" and fully experience
emotions, yet somewhere, remain untouched. Complete immersion in the
yet not lost in it.
I have also
contemplating a question that until now has seemed surreal, faked - but
finally "got it", though I still have no answer... "From whom do
these birds fly?" In my meditations, I've been playing with offering
different parts of my body - yet never touching 'me' or 'I' - this
seemed somewhat
ridiculous so I stopped.
I notice
that my end of
day summaries seem to be filled with joy, wonder and energy - and I
feel like
I'm getting closer to understanding the 'secret' behind the moment - I
experiencing the benefits of presence in Now and also, more deeply
understanding and seeing the suffering that comes with living for/in
the future.